Blends Eastern aesthetics with Western modernity

We have put a lot of thought into the overall design of our venue. The brewpub is split into two parts and is in a historic building in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In the outdoor area, we have incorporated many local elements of Yunnan to restore the region's aesthetics. We have used bamboo basket materials boldly and placed many tropical green plants to visually represent the strong "Yunnan flavor". This is a direct expression of Yunnan's temperament and adds to the overall brand expression of our establishment! 将东方美学纳入西方现代设计 门店设计永远是品牌表达中关键的组成部分,作为将东方美学与西方现代融汇交融的精酿餐吧,我们在整体设计中,显然是花了大量心思的。 门店一分为二,坐落于云南昆明一座颇具历史渊源的建筑内。在户外区域,整体设计上使用了大量的云南本土元素去还原,竹篓材料的大胆运用、大量热带绿植的摆放,视觉上就能感受浓厚的「云南味」,这也是对云南气质直接的表达!在室内区域,以工业设计风格为主基调,还原了最初的砖墙建筑结构,也使它更像一家传统酒吧。

Blends Eastern aesthetics with Western modernity